10 ago 2009

They were sitting on a bench at the park.

She was crying.

She thought she was going to be alone again.

"It was my choice to be with you, and nobody
will make me break my word" he said.

"It is our choice, to be happy or crying"

"It is your choice to stop and look at the sky,
and see the stars that shine tonight for you"

You have chosen to save me, now i´ll return you
the favor
The one who wanted to be light,
but became darkness.

The one who wanted to me an angel,
but became a devil.

The one who can love,
but can´t be loved.

The one who wanted hope,
but instead got treason.

The one who searched for happiness,
but found pain.

There´s still hope, a small light on my darkened soul.
He conocido a mucha gente en mi vida.
Tantos que no podría nombrarlos a todos.

Buenos, malos, raros,
religiosos, libertinos y demás.

No soy del tipo de los que
buscan hacer amigos a lo loco,
y tener el mayor numero
posible de ellos.

Busco tener a los mejores.

He andado por muchos lugares.
Tantos que la tierra de mis zapatos
podría contar muchas historias.

Sitios bonitos, feos, increibles,
especiales, verdes y terrosos.

Soy alguien que gusta de caminar
porque si,
nada me detiene; ni un resfrio,
ni la lluvia, ni los problemas personales

Busco despejar la cabeza.

Pero de nada sirve si lo hago solo.

Alguien con quien compartir.

Con quien pasar esos momentos.

Solo Tú.

Only you can save me from my darkness